Questo mese
+ 194

Central Park Loop

Percorso di corsa

6,11 mi
395 ft
Creato da
Midnight Runners

Percorso e dislivello


NomeDistanzaDifferenza dislivelloPendenza media
Strides area0,08 mi-3 ft-0,6%
Central Park Century Segment....2,32 mi49 ft0,0%
Horse Alley0,24 mi23 ft0,4%
Rink-E72Interval0,55 mi33 ft0,8%
Central Park Loop5,50 mi-95 ft-0,0%
Cat Hill Mile1,02 mi52 ft0,3%
SE Park to Top of Harlem Descent2,16 mi66 ft0,0%
CP East Drive Terrace to 86th0,72 mi62 ft1,0%
Central Park Cat Hill0,28 mi52 ft3,5%
Central Park Cats Paw Hill0,23 mi52 ft3,7%
Relay/Duathlon Race Run Halfway1,24 mi59 ft0,4%
Cat Hill Repeats (Between Lamp Posts)0,12 mi36 ft5,5%
1000m - Top of Cat Hill - North0,63 mi30 ft0,7%
800m - The Met - North0,50 mi30 ft0,9%
800m Interval (from W 84)0,49 mi26 ft0,3%
Final Quarter0,28 mi13 ft0,7%
eastSideofReservoir0,65 mi-20 ft-0,2%
CPTC 1K North0,62 mi-33 ft-0,6%
East Drive SPRINT0,34 mi10 ft0,3%
Reservoir Straight: 87th to 94th Street0,34 mi-10 ft-0,1%
Final straight to Engineer's Gate 0,17 mi13 ft1,3%
Harlem Meer Mile1,02 mi-52 ft-0,8%
fartlek piece0,18 mi-10 ft-1,0%
97th street downhill sprint0,35 mi-30 ft-1,5%
97th to ACP exit counterclockwise0,89 mi-66 ft-1,0%
OLD VERSION - approx 400m nb0,26 mi7 ft0,4%
Central_Park_2,79 mi102 ft0,0%
Harlem Hill Counterclockwise0,37 mi-52 ft-2,6%
Zero Loss North Hill CP1,12 mi-75 ft-0,1%
Up and Up again-Harlem Hill+0,99 mi82 ft1,5%
Central Park - North Hill0,48 mi85 ft2,6%
Harlem Hill Steep - to traffic X0,23 mi62 ft5,0%
Northwest to Top0,22 mi69 ft5,5%
Harlem Hill to 102nd counterclockwise0,45 mi-62 ft-0,2%
The Three Sisters1,04 mi62 ft0,9%
th Street Transverse Climb0,19 mi164 ft15,9%
W100 to 97 uphill sprint0,08 mi16 ft3,8%
300 west 96 southbound0,16 mi7 ft0,6%
westSideOfReservoir0,57 mi23 ft0,7%
Denise Hill0,25 mi30 ft2,1%
Guzman Uphill Sprint TLAT0,09 mi13 ft2,6%
mile south from 90th1,01 mi-66 ft-1,2%
86th Blitz0,09 mi3 ft0,7%
West Drive 86th to 77th0,57 mi-66 ft-1,4%
Five Block Drop - 86-810,31 mi-33 ft-1,6%
CP West Dr South Bound From Summit Rock0,30 mi-39 ft-2,5%
CP West 78-611,00 mi-36 ft-0,2%
Sprint to DW0,43 mi-26 ft-0,8%
Hoffstein Hill0,21 mi33 ft2,7%
w72nd to w63rd0,38 mi30 ft0,0%