Últimas dos semanas
+ 194

Westridge to Mandeville to Sullivan Canyon

Ruta de la carrera

14.34 mi
2,476 ft
This run starts at the end of Westridge Road.

The first part of the run, suggested by Irving Hoffman, starts at the end of Westridge Road and follows the fire road up to where it intersects with a utility fire road that goes down into Mandeville Canyon. From Mandeville Canyon the route goes up Hollyhock Fire Road to Canyonback Fire Road and then North to Mulholland Drive. Once on Mulholland Drive you can take a short diversion to the former Nike Radar Station and Park where there is a rest room and drinking fountain. From there, the route goes back to Mulholland where we then go west (left) to Sullivan Ridge and then down into shady Sullivan Canyon for a couple flat miles, finishing with a climb up a steep and rugged goat trail to Westridge and the finish, don't miss that turn off Sullivan Canyon onto that goat trail! (It's easy to miss. So if you end up in a neighborhood without climbing that last steep half-ish mile, then you missed it, re-track your steps and go find those arrows.)

Meeting place and parking is at the "dead" end of "Westridge Road",  off Mandeville rd. on Sunset Blvd. 
PLEASE KEEP VOICES DOWN early in the morning for the neighbors enjoying their quiet Sunday morning.
Creada por
Ann O

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de altitudPendiente media
Westridge to Nike, the long way7.32 mi715 ft1.7 %
Trailhead to Peak - Fortius - JWP2.60 mi669 ft4.9 %
Westridge to First Downhill1.86 mi561 ft5.7 %
westridge climb2.99 mi679 ft3.3 %
W Mandeville Fire Rd Climb0.91 mi351 ft7.2 %
W Mandeville Fire Rd Climb0.19 mi197 ft15.6 %
Westridge 2nd wind0.77 mi177 ft4.4 %
West Mandeville Fire Road Climb0.28 mi135 ft9.0 %
W Mandeville Fire Rd Climb0.36 mi135 ft6.9 %
Up under the tree0.19 mi26 ft2.3 %
Water And Power Pole Rd Climb0.42 mi144 ft6.4 %
Blastoff10.49 mi-154 ft-5.9 %
W. Mandeville Descent1.33 mi-459 ft-6.5 %
Hollyhock Fire Rd Climb0.73 mi472 ft12.2 %
Hollyhock To Nike Tower2.61 mi699 ft5.0 %
Hollyhock to top of Mulholland Dr.2.48 mi666 ft5.1 %
DA BOMB! Downhill boogie0.05 mi33 ft10.2 %
Canyonback Climb0.12 mi66 ft10.6 %
Mulholland Dr Climb0.77 mi266 ft6.3 %
Encino Hills Climb0.82 mi259 ft6.0 %
Mulholland to San Vicente Mountain 0.77 mi276 ft6.7 %
Nike to Sullivan Run0.86 mi-102 ft-0.4 %
Nike to Sullivan Canyon Top1.34 mi-92 ft-1.2 %
Muholland Ridge to Sullivan Canyon Top0.53 mi-79 ft-2.6 %
Descent From Mullhullond to Luna4.09 mi-1,161 ft-5.3 %
Bomb down into Sullivan Canyon0.52 mi-328 ft-11.9 %
Lower Luna Climb0.41 mi600 ft27.7 %
W Mandeville Fire Rd Climb0.44 mi607 ft25.9 %
Dante's climb out of Sullivan0.37 mi522 ft26.3 %
anul descent.0.39 mi-591 ft-28.1 %