+ 32

6 Miles (North) from RBAC

Ruta para correr

6,08 mi
432 ft
1. From RBAC, run North on Arroyo Blvd toward Rose Bowl.
2. When you reach Seco Street, safely cross the street, and run counter-clockwise around the Rose Bowl Loop to "Heart Attack Hill".
3. Run up Parkview Avenue (aka "Heart Attack Hill") to Yocum Street.
4. At Yocum, turn RIGHT and head north on Linda Vista.
5. Run along Linda Vista, past the electrical boxes to stop sign at Freeway Overramp and turn around.
6. Head back down Linda Vista to Salvia Canyon, turn LEFT onto Salvia Canyon and down hill towards Bowl.
7. At West Drive (Rose Bowl Loop), turn RIGHT and head south along Rose Bowl Loop toward Lot K.
8. Follow loop around to bottom, turn RIGHT (at crosswalk) onto Arroyo Blvd.
9. Head down Arroyo Blvd to RBAC.

Creada por
Pasadena Pacers

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de desnivelPendiente media
clubhouse to the bridge0,82 mi59 ft1,2 %
Rose Bowl East Trail0,67 mi62 ft1,7 %
North Arroyo Boulevard Climb0,67 mi154 ft4,3 %
Parkview Hill0,13 mi89 ft11,1 %
Top of Linda Vista Climb0,76 mi135 ft3,2 %
St Katherine Dr Climb0,26 mi141 ft10,0 %
Linda Vista descent2,63 mi-410 ft-2,8 %
Salvia DOWN0,24 mi-69 ft-5,4 %
Afterburner0,35 mi-26 ft-1,4 %