30 derniers jours
+ 194

Tour de Mermaid - 7 miles [Golden Gate Tour]

Itinéraire de sortie à vélo

7,17 mi
458 pi
The Golden Gate Tour is a recreational and family friendly route that allows you to soak in the spectacular views, while you ride at your own comfortable pace. The ride crosses the Golden Gate Bridge and  features the least amount of climbing. The ride begins with a flat 1 mile warm and then makes a short climb from Crissy Field up to and over the Golden Gate Bridge. You’ll turnaround at the north end of the bridge, snap some photos, take in the views and then head back to Crissy Field for a post ride celebration.
Créée par
Carlo Facchino

Itinéraire et dénivelé


NomDistanceDéniveléPente moy.
Mason to Lincoln, the easy way0,31 mi92 pi5,7 %
Underpass Slide0,27 mi-30 pi-1,7 %
GGB Northbound1,83 mi236 pi0,8 %
GGB S to N1,08 mi36 pi0,6 %
Golden Gate Bridge1,19 mi66 pi0,7 %
GGB Northbound 1,47 mi164 pi2,1 %
Golden Gate Bridge0,92 mi49 pi0,9 %
GG Bridge bunny hop from the bay0,08 mi161 pi32,6 %
Bridge End to End1,60 mi-233 pi-1,8 %
GGB Southbound1,75 mi-79 pi-0,5 %
Golden Gate Southbound1,66 mi-46 pi-0,5 %
Bum Rush North Tower0,43 mi-20 pi-0,0 %
GGB Southbound (West Side)1,57 mi-75 pi-0,1 %
GGB West SB Sprint to North Twr0,21 mi-3 pi-0,4 %
Golden Gate bridge SB1,06 mi-177 pi-3,2 %
up n down0,98 mi-39 pi-0,2 %
Bridge Crissy Fields Descent1,01 mi-141 pi-2,6 %
Lincoln Blvd 500m Uphill Sprint Finish0,30 mi23 pi1,5 %
Mason St Sprint to SB 0,40 mi-3 pi-0,2 %
Mason short sprint0,23 mi-7 pi-0,5 %