+ 69

Sullivan Canyon via Westridge

Itinéraire de course à pied

9,12 mi
1 780 pi
This run starts at the end of Westridge Road.

It follows the fire road to Mulholland (or you take all the single track goat trails that paralel the fire road. This will take you to a former Nike Radar Station with a rest room and drinking fountain after about 3.5 miles. We then go west (left) on Mulholland to Sullivan Ridge and then down into shady Sullivan Canyon for a couple flat miles, finishing with a climb up a steep and rugged trail to Westridge and the finish, don't miss this turn on your left after about 9-ish miles! (It's easy to miss. So if you end up in a neighborhood without climbing that last steep half-ish mile, then you missed it, retrack your steps and go find those arrows.)
Créée par
Ann O

Itinéraire et dénivelé


NomDistanceDéniveléPente moy.
Singletrack To Top3,36 mi676 pi3,4 %
Westridge 3 min+ Hill Interval0,28 mi266 pi17,7 %
W Mandeville Fire Rd Climb0,49 mi180 pi6,9 %
Up under the tree0,19 mi26 pi2,3 %
Water And Power Pole Rd Climb0,42 mi144 pi6,4 %
Last mile up Westridge0,93 mi-177 pi-0,3 %
Mulholland Dr Climb0,43 mi154 pi6,8 %
Nike to Sullivan Run0,86 mi-102 pi-0,4 %
Nike to Sullivan Canyon Top1,34 mi-92 pi-1,2 %
Muholland Ridge to Sullivan Canyon Top0,53 mi-79 pi-2,6 %
Descent From Mullhullond to Luna4,09 mi-1 161 pi-5,3 %
Bomb down into Sullivan Canyon0,52 mi-328 pi-11,9 %
Lower Luna Climb0,41 mi600 pi27,7 %
W Mandeville Fire Rd Climb0,44 mi607 pi25,9 %
Dante's climb out of Sullivan0,37 mi522 pi26,3 %