
Newcastle/ campfarwest/ Another theme 78 miles

Cycling Route

78.49 mi
4,199 ft
Created By
Paco Lindsay

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Northwinds from newcastle5.95 mi-341 ft-1.0%
Newcastle Horseshoe3.69 mi-266 ft-0.8%
Newcastle Rd (Brennans to Aub Folsom)1.24 mi138 ft0.6%
Auburn Folsom (New Castle to King)1.18 mi-112 ft-1.8%
Auburn Folsom (Newcastle Rd to Horseshoe Bar)2.14 mi-174 ft-1.6%
Dick Trickle Sprint (Rock Springs to Dick Cook)3.36 mi-253 ft-1.4%
King Rd to Cavitt Stallman4.90 mi-243 ft-0.8%
King to Dick Cook Sprint1.99 mi-128 ft-1.2%
HB to DC1.20 mi-82 ft-1.3%
Dick Cook to Boulders at Los Lagos0.77 mi-26 ft-0.1%
Los Lagos to Ardea0.51 mi144 ft5.3%
Last Rise to Cavitt0.25 mi13 ft0.6%
Laird 2 Oak Pine--Make it Count!0.70 mi-36 ft-0.6%
Cavitt - Laird to Barton1.35 mi-95 ft-1.2%
Cavitt Stallman (Oak Pine to Barton)0.71 mi-46 ft-1.2%
Barton to Rutherford Canyon1.67 mi72 ft0.4%
Rutherford Canyon Rd Rollers (Barton to Laird)1.26 mi108 ft1.5%
Rutherford Canyon Rd Rollers0.62 mi102 ft3.0%
Monserrat GutPunch0.34 mi75 ft4.0%
Monserrat Short Kicker (Plug to Plug)0.08 mi0 ft0.0%
Rutherford Home Streeeeetch0.23 mi39 ft3.0%
Rutherford Canyon to Wells0.71 mi-49 ft-0.6%
Val Verde (Wells to Dicky)0.75 mi30 ft0.6%
Val Verde Wells to King2.67 mi-102 ft-0.0%
Val Verde (Wells to Horseshoe)1.61 mi62 ft0.3%
Val Verde (Horseshoe to King)0.89 mi-36 ft-0.8%
True Penryn Raod0.41 mi135 ft6.1%
Gold Rush to Butler0.60 mi-82 ft-1.9%
Butler 2 Delmar2.62 mi-262 ft-0.8%
English Colony Delmar to Tunnel0.38 mi131 ft6.5%
E. Colony to Sierra Col.0.18 mi69 ft6.8%
EC to TB0.82 mi-112 ft-2.1%
Sierra College Descent to 1931.94 mi-292 ft-2.8%
Eds Mad Dash1.48 mi-171 ft-2.1%
193 Sierra College to Ferrari Ranch2.11 mi-89 ft-0.8%
193 Oak Tree Land to Ferrari Ranch Road0.65 mi-20 ft-0.5%
Flat 1 - Virginia town0.64 mi23 ft0.7%
V-TOWN - GB SPRINT2.89 mi105 ft0.6%
The Wise Catch !0.97 mi-20 ft-0.4%
Camp Far West climb to McCourtney2.12 mi184 ft1.6%
Forbes Loop - North to South3.36 mi-289 ft-0.4%
Big Bend to Pleasant1.98 mi95 ft0.3%
Wise (Gold Hill to Baxter Grade)0.97 mi194 ft3.7%
Wise - Baxter to Crater Hill2.84 mi299 ft2.0%
Wise Sprint to Fire Station - West Side0.40 mi85 ft4.0%
Lozanos Descent to Chili Hill0.89 mi-236 ft-5.0%
Ophir School Decent0.50 mi-171 ft-6.3%
Lozanos Rd0.88 mi1,312 ft0.0%
Taylor Road (Ophir to Old State Hwy)0.28 mi-39 ft-2.6%
zip up to the tunnel0.21 mi49 ft3.5%