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+ 4

SR: Ninth Line Heartbreak

Ruta ciclista

69,02 km
253 m
Creada por
Etobicoke C

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de desnivelPendiente media
Evans to Mendota sprint north0,26 km0 m0,0 %
Royal York - The Queensway to Bloor2,43 km27 m0,9 %
Royal York - Queensway to Norseman1,10 km6 m0,5 %
Royal York rise0,59 km9 m1,6 %
Royal York: Bloor > Dundas1,23 km7 m0,5 %
Final Dash0,28 km5 m1,3 %
Rathburn: Islington > East Mall2,74 km16 m0,5 %
Kipling 2 Ed Uphill work0,47 km8 m1,6 %
Rathburn: East Mall > West Mall0,63 km-2 m-0,3 %
Rathburn: West Mall > Elmcrest1,29 km-16 m-1,1 %
Centennial Park North Elbow1,29 km15 m1,2 %
Dixie Dip not hazardous1,33 km-11 m-0,6 %
hershey up0,62 km13 m1,7 %
Hurontario-->McLaughlin1,40 km-13 m-0,3 %
Short Suburban Climb0,34 km2 m0,1 %
Short Suburban Descent0,46 km-5 m-1,0 %
Bristol Speedway: Terry Fox > Church2,66 km-27 m-0,8 %
terry's credit0,94 km-6 m-0,6 %
Bristol Road River Crossing0,67 km-13 m-1,7 %
Main st climb to coffee0,22 km12 m5,6 %
Thomas St. Climb (Starting at Gafney)0,65 km29 m4,5 %
The Thomas Street Steps1,99 km32 m1,6 %
Ninth Egg to Dunn4,10 km-15 m-0,4 %
No. 93,83 km-43 m-1,1 %
No. 9 short1,92 km-33 m-1,7 %
Downhill with the wind!4,41 km-72 m-1,6 %
ford flyer2,31 km-33 m-1,4 %
Lordy McGordy It's The Fordy0,78 km-10 m-1,2 %
Ford Dr. Sprint South to Lakeshore1,18 km-12 m-1,0 %
Ford Drive Final Sprint0,59 km-11 m-1,9 %
speeding along the water2,13 km3 m0,1 %
Lakeshore East 1km sprint1,01 km-3 m-0,1 %
Sprint to the deers1,23 km15 m1,2 %
Suncor to Petro-Canada0,77 km12 m1,6 %
The Orr Meadow Wood Grinder2,35 km-14 m0,0 %
Meadow Wood Rollers0,81 km10 m1,1 %
The Clarkson Gears4,15 km-20 m-0,5 %
Lorne Park Lump0,42 km-2 m-0,4 %
LNS Lakeshore Sprint to first lights0,90 km-11 m-1,1 %
The Last Dip - to the bus stop0,37 km-5 m-0,7 %
The last bump0,73 km8 m1,0 %
Get ahead of the traffic.0,44 km-7 m-1,4 %
Forest Avenue Climb0,81 km108 m13,4 %
Lakeshore; Hurontario to Royal York9,17 km-16 m0,0 %
Lakeshore Speedway (Eastbound)1,50 km11 m0,4 %
Rise to Fortieth St0,45 km10 m2,2 %
Lakeshore: Brown's Line > Islington2,98 km-10 m-0,3 %
30th to Kipling (safe end)1,03 km-0 m-0,0 %
Lakeshore: Kipling > Islington0,92 km-4 m-0,2 %
Lakeshore: Islington > Royal York0,99 km-6 m-0,6 %