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+ 194

Mettle Solstice - SF

Cycling Route

15.88 mi
1,932 ft
Created By
Randall Fransen / Mettle Cycling

Route and Elevation

2 mi
0 ft200 ft400 ft600 ft800 ft0.0 mi2.0 mi4.0 mi6.0 mi8.0 mi10.0 mi12.0 mi14.0 mi


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
GGB Northbound1.83 mi236 ft0.8%
GGB Welcome Center to Vista Point1.74 mi85 ft0.6%
GGB S to N1.08 mi36 ft0.6%
Golden Gate Bridge1.19 mi66 ft0.7%
GGB Northbound 1.47 mi164 ft2.1%
Golden Gate Bridge0.92 mi49 ft0.9%
1km Golden Gate 0.63 mi0 ft0.0%
GG Bridge Tower to Tower North0.76 mi-20 ft-0.0%
Foot to Foot Northbound0.62 mi23 ft0.1%
GG Bridge bunny hop from the bay0.08 mi161 ft32.6%
Hawk Hill Hill Burn0.10 mi46 ft8.3%
Pimple Popper0.07 mi23 ft6.0%
Alexander Ave. to Field Rd. via tunnel2.63 mi-292 ft-1.5%
Tunnel Up!0.42 mi105 ft3.9%
Bunker Rd Tunnel to Lagoon2.45 mi-305 ft-2.2%
Tunnel to Field2.00 mi-312 ft-2.9%
Bunker Rd., Tunnel to McCullough0.60 mi-131 ft-4.1%
Tunnel to Field1.92 mi-285 ft-2.8%
Bunker Rd - McCullough to Field1.35 mi-197 ft-2.3%
Headlands See Saw2.86 mi338 ft1.2%
Lagoon to Hill 882.22 mi906 ft7.7%
Rodeo Beach Hill Loop1.11 mi325 ft5.6%
Coast Climb 2.05 mi801 ft7.4%
Rodeo Beach - Gate-to-Top0.84 mi249 ft5.6%
Full Road to Nowhere HC0.93 mi295 ft6.0%
Bunker Top0.12 mi46 ft7.1%
Broken Road to Nowhere0.12 mi62 ft9.4%
Coastal offroading0.86 mi495 ft10.9%
Coastal Climb to Hill 881.01 mi597 ft11.2%
Coastal Pavement 0.45 mi203 ft7.4%
Final paved section to Hill 880.63 mi318 ft9.4%
Coastal Road 0.47 mi-240 ft-9.5%
Battery Townsley to Field 1.5 Mile TT1.53 mi-338 ft-4.1%
Coastal Rodeo Descent 0.73 mi-203 ft-5.2%
Marine Mammal Center to Field Sprint0.63 mi-82 ft-2.4%
Rodeo Bump0.08 mi23 ft4.7%
Mitchell to Field sprint.0.46 mi-33 ft-0.9%
Smith trail to the top of Coastal1.98 mi531 ft5.1%
Coastal Trail - Bunker Road to Gate1.52 mi456 ft5.6%
Coastal Trail to Headlands Saddle1.24 mi387 ft5.9%
Hawk Descent - Roundabout to Finish1.08 mi-243 ft-4.2%
GGB Southbound1.75 mi-79 ft-0.5%
Bridge End to End1.60 mi-233 ft-1.8%
GGB Vista Point to Welcome Center1.71 mi-75 ft-0.3%
Bum Rush North Tower0.43 mi-20 ft-0.0%
GGB Southbound (West Side)1.57 mi-75 ft-0.1%
GGB West SB Sprint to North Twr0.21 mi-3 ft-0.4%
Golden Gate bridge SB1.06 mi-177 ft-3.2%
Foot to Foot Southbound0.77 mi46 ft0.4%
up n down0.98 mi-39 ft-0.2%