Washington Running Club

Washington, England, United Kingdom

Washington Running Club was formed in 2014 and meets on Thursdays at 7pm and Sunday mornings at 9am. Club membership is only £36 per year renewable from 1st April with all sessions free of charge - unlike many other clubs we don't have weekly subscriptions. We're a friendly club and welcome runners of all abilities, from beginners to experienced athletes. Our Strava club is intended for Washington Running Club members only, so if you're not currently a paid member you will be refused membership. This is so our weekly leader boards are a relevant and meaningful measure amongst members.

232 名成員

232 名成員

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免費註冊。追蹤進度,實現目標。加入 Strava 一億活躍成員的行列。

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查看更多Washington Running Club的內容

尋找動力,同時追蹤自己的活動。加入 Strava 上超過一億名成員的行列。