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更多来自D.Cycle - The Deloitte Global Cycling Network的内容

找到动力,追踪你的活动。加入超亿位 Strava 用户。

D.Cycle - The Deloitte Global Cycling Network

Groningen, Groningen, Nederland

D.Cycle is a global effort to connect all cyclists across our firm to increase community, wellness, and philanthropy. The D.Cycle group will allow us to stay connected (despite being located in many different countries!) and support and follow each other’s rides. If you want to join, just click the button. If your Strava name does not match your real name, please send a quick e-mail to DTTL DCycle from your Deloitte e-mailaddress stating your Strava name. That way we can make sure that you're a colleague.

1,930 名成员

1,930 名成员