BOTS Tarmac Chronicles | Episode 4

10 月
上午5:45 週六
會面地點 Specialized Concept Store, Infantry Road
慢慢騎 (會等落後的成員) / 起伏的山丘

A moderately fast group ride with the aim of getting you to ride better and faster. The focus will be on group riding etiquette, improving riding abilities. Quality nutrition pre & post ride and anything and everything to do with performance oriented riding. In short, we aim to get better, faster and more kick-ass on our bicycles!!!

> Avg. Speed: 25 kph

> Road condition: Mix of good tarmac, bumps @ villages & a pinch of Roubaix cobbles. Come prepared with your best pair of tires

> Ride Essentials: Helmet, Hydration, Puncture Kit, Emergency pump, ID, Cash, Tail light & an awesome bike

> Breakfast @ Half way point in any idle joint

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India