PAS NORMAL STUDIOS Midsummer Challenge

06:30 Sabato
Luogo di ritrovo 14 Railroad Av, Greenwich CT, Greenwich CT
Ritmo / Salite assassine

What should you expect from the PNS Midsummer ride?
Our goal for this ride is to challenge each and every one of you while still ensuring a social experience. Ride hard
on the climbs for post-ride bragging rights, and then get the group back together to enjoy the day in some good
This will be a hard, long day in the saddle, and please come prepared for it. This should not be your first long
day on your bike this season, and respect the summer temperatures. Please familiarize yourself with the
route and upload the file to your GPS device. We will provide limited support for the day and have a car on
the road with some food and beverage options. The support car will not always follow the same route but will
time the stops based on the main group of riders. If you are falling off the pace, you will have to rely on your
own resources. You will be able to find gas stations or groceries.

Planned Car Stops / Feed Zones, timed on the speed of the Peloton/Main Group
Be aware the Car will not always be following the same route as the riders!
1* Mile 21     North County Rail Trail Parking - Yorktown
2* Mile 40     Beginning the ascent to Bear Mountain.
3*..Mile 48    Bear Mountain Inn parking lot next to the Lodge Look for the grass field mountainside
3a: mile 58.  Detour if you are bailing out the route and taking the train from Cold Springs to Grand Central
4* Mile 65     Pelton Pond parking lot.
5* Mile 90     Somers NY by the Amawalk Reservoir.
6* Mile 105   5th Division Deli.
On the route, there are many Feed Options for people who cannot reach the team car, such as gas
stations and delis.
The only longer stretch with no supply options is between miles 57 to 75!

If you lose your legs along the route and are still with the team car, please do not hesitate to ask for a lift
home. The car will be able to handle up to 2 riders with bikes. Please make sure that you also have a personal
backup support person that you can call in case you need to stop the ride or please be prepared to organize
an UBER ride.
The team will not be able to handle any major bike repairs during the day and EVERY RIDER NEEDS TO SUPPLY
HIS OWN REPAIR KIT. For smaller repairs, the gruppetto will try to assist and keep riding together. The team
car will carry limited repair supplies.

We can't wait to take on this challenge with you and celebrate the summer 2024 together!!

Greenwich, Connecticut