mount white breakfast ride

6:15 AM Sunday
Meet Up Spot Hornsby Acquatic Centre
Casual (No-Drop) / Rolling Hills

Meet up point: Hornsby Aquatic Centre
Roll time : 6:15 sharp
Breakfast venue: road warriors cafe, mount white Ride end: Hornsby Aquatic Centre Expected return time 10:00

Taking the train to hornsby

The best train to chatch is
4:59 from strathfield, arrives hornsby 5:23.
4:46 / 5:02 / 5:08 from Central, arrives hornsby 5:53 / 6:05

trains departing hornsby

For those who need to take the train home via strathfield, we'd be aiming to catch etiher 9:50 or 10:23 train from Hornsby

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia