East End Road Race - May Classics

5 月
上午6:30 週日
會面地點 Clifton Hunter High School
比賽配速 / 大致上為平地

East End Road Race

21 May, 2023 | 6:30am start
Registration closes at 6:00am
The East End Road Race will feature a mass start for the athletes, with staggered starts & distances of the East End Circuit course for the various categories.
18.7 miles per lap
Juniors – 18.7 miles | 1 lap
Women, Category 4, Masters & Super Masters – 37.4 miles | 2 laps
Categories 1-3 – 56.1 miles | 3 laps

Registration for the event will be online via the form or on race day
Race day registration will close 30 mins before start time – no exceptions!.
Your racing age is your age on 31 December of the current year


Cayman Islands