Aki Sato
Tariffville, CT, USA, CTバーチャル ライド
Zwift - Group Ride: Short | Stage 4 | Tour of Watopia Ride on Going Coastal in Watopia - can spin but pedaling is super rough, super unsmooth doing fast rpm (150ish). legs felt loose but form was bad 160bpm into sprint. same avg pwr as last IRL race
- 距離12.0 mi
- 時間33m 44s
- 標高243 ft
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Zwift - Race: Stage 2 | Zwift Games | Scotland Smash | Range 1 (D) on Scotland Smash in Scotland - lasted a couple efforts, HR redlined, got gapped on descent to castle hill, that was that. Small jump, pretty bad. Knee aches, think saddle wrong position
VirtualRideを表示Zwift - Group Ride: Stage 1 | The Zwift Big Spin 2025 on Greater London 8 in London - relearning shifting lol, legs fresh but lungs still not great
VirtualRideを表示Zwift - Race: STAGE 4: Shimano Find Your Fast: Jurassic Coast (D) on Jurassic Coast in Watopia - waited for someone but he kept easing over top of rises and losing 5s per rise. surge to test legs. position different from track bike, pedals worn
VirtualRideを表示Zwift - Scotland Smash in Scotland - 54.2 HCT!!! road bike! lots of issues, took forever to get on bike, went easy. Overhauled Ergo levers on, they seem fine, BB bearings are shot
VirtualRideを表示Zwift - Race: STAGE 4: Shimano Find Your Fast: Jurassic Coast (D) on Jurassic Coast in Watopia - legs cramping from start, first ride in week,legs seized just before the finish, barely made it to the line