Brian Toone
Hoover, Alabama騎車
Birthday ride 6x age (almost!)
- 距離281.9 英里
- 時間18小時 19分鐘 28秒
- 海拔12,782 呎
17 張照片
註冊即可查看更多 Brian Toone 的活動
Quick restock, new proximity widget for triggering iPhone recording of lateral passing distances
查看Ride活動Biking back down to get Kristine’s glasses before they get run over
查看Ride活動Sunset Walk with K
查看Walk活動Finishing the #festive500, this was so hard with the wind
查看Ride活動Shakedown 2 (groceries) finishing Rapha Festive 500 with 270 mile Cheaha ride tonight/tomorrow
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