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BBTA Kingaroy Tour Day 2 78km

Cycling Route

78.58 km
679 m
Kingaroy-Goodger-Brooklands Church turn right-Maidenwell-LEFT at Kingaroy Kumbia sign-Kumbia-Brooklands Rd-Nanango
Created By
Peter Brennan

Route and Elevation

30 km
350 m400 m450 m500 m0.0 km10.0 km20.0 km30.0 km40.0 km50.0 km60.0 km70.0 km


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Kingaroy turn to the T20.42 km-95 m-0.2%
Heading out Cooyar Rd2.59 km14 m0.4%
Taxiing past the airstrip1.62 km7 m0.4%
Goodger uphill2.85 km25 m0.7%
Rolling to the T8.10 km-94 m-1.1%
Five and a half kilometres Brooklands-Pimpimbudgee Rd5.46 km135 m2.4%
Brooklands Pimpimbudgee Rd Climb1.74 km81 m4.6%
Pimpimbudgee Rd Turnoff to Maidenwell4.08 km48 m0.0%
Maidenwell down to Kinga turn-off10.95 km-125 m-1.0%
Kingaroy Cooyan Road Climb0.94 km36 m3.8%
Kingaroy Cooyar Rd to Parsons Rd14.52 km46 m0.2%
Nanango Rollercoaster6.01 km-57 m-0.1%