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+ 6

YGR Road 18: WNW Name TBD

Cycling Route

40.13 mi
1,320 ft
Route Specific Notes: 

*We'll flip it at the end of the pavement on Owl Canyon. Intermediate sprint to the "Pavement Ends" sign. Regroup.

*Shortcuts/backtracking/regrouping/fast-forwarding for dropped riders encouraged on the Owl Canyon O&B, by skipping the Owl Canyon O&B,  or shortcutting on CR15 or any of the CRs- most are dirt so keep that in mind.

*Be very cautious of traffic once we merge onto Highway 1. Ride as far right as safe. Think about how your actions will affect the group.

*Once we turn right onto Douglas Rd be cautious of other traffic on the rollers. Think about how your actions will affect the group.

*DO NOT BLOW THE STOP SIGN AT NORTH TAFT HILL AND CR56 (Cement Plant Rd). We must yield to oncoming traffic. If you are off the front and delayed, your gap will be reestablished.

*DO NOT BLOW THE STOP SIGN AT DOUGLAS ROAD and NORTH SHIELDS. We must yield to oncoming traffic. If you are off the front and delayed, your gap will be reestablished.

*The finish is at the top of the cement plant climb.

New Format Notes:

*We'll roll from Cottonwood Glen Park heading northbound on Overland Trail each week leaving at 5:30 and expect the group will grow as people merge up from cross-streets across town. We're riding "neutral" in double paceline formation inside the bike lane until we cross 287 as a group. ( ≤ 25 mph ) Neutral simply means no attacking, we've generally been riding neutral until Wellington for years.

*One start group (no A/B groups)

*Women will roll out with the men for the time being with hopes of developing a WWNWs. (as decided by the women at the WNWs Summit)

*Riders off the front that are delayed by traffic will be allowed to reestablish their gap.

Rider safety is everyone's responsibility as is the overall health of the ride. Please do your part to make this ride safe and fun (relatively speaking).
Created By
Dan Porter- YGR

Route and Elevation

10 mi
5,100 ft5,200 ft5,300 ft5,400 ft0.0 mi5.0 mi10.0 mi15.0 mi20.0 mi25.0 mi30.0 mi35.0 mi40.0 mi


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
CGP Hard Spin0.20 mi10 ft0.2%
Worlds- NTBD39.81 mi407 ft0.0%
Drake to Poudre Trail5.04 mi-112 ft-0.4%
Overland N - Drake to Elizabeth1.51 mi-43 ft-0.3%
Drake to Prospect on Overland0.97 mi-23 ft-0.3%
Overland Express N. - Drake to Bingham.4.70 mi-95 ft-0.3%
Prospect to Mulberry on Overland0.97 mi-16 ft-0.3%
Greentree Cir Climb0.55 mi26 ft0.4%
Pleasant Valley to Bingham Hill3.47 mi-72 ft-0.3%
Pleasant Valley to Lions Park3.64 mi-85 ft-0.4%
Overland - Mulberry to Laporte0.49 mi23 ft0.2%
Mulberry to Bingham Hill Rd. (Overland)2.79 mi-72 ft-0.3%
You're Pulling My Bob1.75 mi-62 ft-0.7%
Gonna Hitch a Ride1.47 mi-46 ft-0.4%
Burbank's Bank0.21 mi-20 ft-1.1%
Laport to 2871.26 mi115 ft1.7%
La Porte to Cement Plant1.95 mi144 ft1.0%
Laporte Gas Station to 2871.15 mi112 ft1.8%
LaPorte Gas Station to Cement Plant1.72 mi105 ft0.5%
287 to Cement Plant Sprint (10 Green Jersey Points up for grabs)0.53 mi30 ft0.2%
Cement Plant Downhill1.00 mi-82 ft-1.5%
cement plant road to CR 64 on Taft3.88 mi164 ft0.8%
to Owl Canyon going north6.76 mi279 ft0.8%
Go Spurs!1.81 mi-92 ft-0.7%
Co Rd 72 Punch0.27 mi46 ft2.5%
Owl Canyon East from Taft Hill to Terry Lake Rd1.98 mi33 ft0.2%
Owl canyon East to N CO Rd 92.87 mi-56 ft-0.3%
SmileyMile0.98 mi-30 ft-0.6%
OC-Home2.71 mi-85 ft-0.5%
CR9_CR152.55 mi72 ft0.4%
ShortClimb0.40 mi59 ft2.6%
CR64 to Hwy13.06 mi-75 ft-0.4%
Douglas Road Rollers going west1.16 mi-85 ft-0.8%
Middle Hump0.23 mi43 ft3.4%
Kluver Kicker Northbound0.33 mi66 ft3.8%
just keep swimming0.77 mi-69 ft-1.7%
No time for recovery1.18 mi-52 ft-0.7%
Worlds Finish1.27 mi121 ft1.8%